NOTE This table top game is in active development.
Buy low and sell high in this board game about Insider Fruit Trading. Fruit prices are set by supply and demand. Strategically spread rumors from your hand of cards to influence the price of fruit. Whoever has the most money at the end of the game wins.
Reach out to me if you would like to schedule a playtest.
This work was made possible in part by:
- Norah
- A ‘n E
Patreon supporters
- Jacob Stone!
- Tim G.
- Hana Sun
- Connie Shi
- Anissa
- Jeff
- Jason Tavarez
Thanks to all the playtesters that helped me improve the game.
- Jack Johnson
- Jason Bracich
- Amit O
- Cat Drayer
- Dave Sprout
- Anissa
- Jason Tavarez
- Jamie
- Jeff
- Sevinc Yuksel
- Margaret
- Charles Griebell
- Sam Oppenheim
- Michael Sprague
- Yuhao Spollen
- Eric Dittmore
- Sofia Pesiou
- Joshua Adams
- Heather Newton/Protospiel Online
- Derwent Ready
- Danei
- Dominick DiMercurio II
- Rick W
- Dickie Adams
- Janella Hong
- Richard Hahn
- Anthony Bisio
- Sara Rosenberg
- Krishna Rao
- Noah Tervalon
- Ted Southard
- Eric McGlohon
- Shannon Emmons
- Russ Steger
- Schoon
- Hunter Johnson
- Jeff Cornfield
- Philip Erikson
- Sebastian
- Alanna Valdez
- Edgar Valdez
- Stanley Tan
- Asli
- Dennis Rojas
- Peter Allen Clark
- Yan Rodriguez
- Tim G.
- Connie Shi
- Jonathan Cosme
- Hana Sun
- Caleb Horning
- Jacob Shaw
- Ian Tarter
- Jacob Stone
- Avi H
- Ryan Gerney
- Sean Murphy
- Elijah D
- Jon H
- Jamie Keffer
- Ryan Myer
- Will Foy
- Troy
- Brian Kemp
- Mireille Pilloud
- Nicole Amato
- Rose Fallon
- Matthew Kambic
- Dillon Nestadt
- John A. Heath
- Nicholas Kirkpatrick
- Dan Jackson
- Michael Madoff
- Peter Y
- Joshua Hyman
- Ted Zech
- Richard Grasthope
- Scott L
- Jon Perry
- Dan Caprera
- Giovannie Silva
- Sarah Madoff
- Michelle Jordan
- Anderson Addo
- Wilson Young
- Vivian
- Gavin Rook
- Chris Colasurdo
- Greenjack
- John Carimando
- Brian Quiñones
- Jennifer Criollo-Garcia
- Polarbearlopez
- Anthony L. Lowe
Recent playtesters listed first
Playtesters: Fill out this form to be added to this public list.
If you play again I will move you up in the order. Comparing versions is important. Please use the same form to detail changes you experienced, better and worse.
If you have not had a chance to play or are just interested in information please sign up for my newsletter.